Acupuncture & Dry Needling

Acupuncture is a treatment technique that may be used as a part of your physiotherapy treatment plan. It can be used to ease pain and inflammation, promote energy, and improve sleep and body function.

How does Acupuncture work? Acupuncture uses thin, sterile needles that go into specific acupuncture points to stimulate your body’s neuroendocrine system. This encourages the body to release endorphins and serotonins your naturally occurring pain-relieving hormones.

Dry Needling is a form of intramuscular stimulation (IMS), which is a scientifically based and proven technique for reversing shortened muscles that cause musculoskeletal pain. Like acupuncture, a monofilament is used; however, the needle is inserted briefly into the affected part of the muscle (known as a myofascial trigger point) to ultimately achieve muscle relaxation and relief from chronic pain.

By releasing shortened muscles, the associated tendons and nerves are unloaded and strain is alleviated. This improved muscle length and subsequent strength results in reduced distress to affected joints. The effects of dry needling are cumulative, with each treatment stimulating a certain amount of healing, until eventually the tissue is healed and the pain resolves.



Physical Therapy is a profession in health care that assists people in restoring & maintaining their strength, increasing function & movement, and increase their overall well-being. The goal of Physical Therapy is to aid clients in reducing pain, increasing function, promoting health, and improving quality of life. Physical Therapy can aid many body systems including but not limited to spinal pain, sports injuries, knee/hip/shoulder surgical rehabilitation, headaches, neurological conditions, cardiac/respiratory rehabilitation, and therapeutic exercise programs.

A reason to book a Physical Therapy appointment:

  • Pain or discomfort in any joint/muscle in the body
  • Pain or discomfort after a motor vehicle accident
  • Pain or discomfort obtained from a workplace incident
  • Pain or discomfort before, during, or after activity/sports
  • Pain or discomfort during sleep
  • Headaches and/or Jaw Pain
  • Soreness that gradually increases
  • Wanting to add more activity to your life but unsure where to start
  • Obtain personalized exercise plans best suited to your goals and body

Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy is a manual health care modality that addresses Musculoskeletal Dysfunction in the body through the manipulation of the soft tissue (muscles, tendons & ligaments) using a variety of different techniques. It is a safe and effective form of treatment for people of all ages. A trained Registered Massage Therapist will carefully assess and determine the best possible treatment plan for you based upon your health history, treatment goals and concerns. One of the main goals of Massage Therapy is to restore normal function of soft tissues in the body, including;

  • Increasing Range of Motion
  • Reducing pain & inflammation
  • Increasing circulation
  • Aiding in proper healing and reducing the formation of scar tissue

In addition to directly affecting the soft tissues in the body, Massage Therapy has numerous other benefits, some of which include:

  • Relieving chronic pain
  • Boosting the immune system
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Reducing stress/anxiety/depression
  • Improving sleep
Massage Therapy

Reconditioning Programs

A reconditioning program is specifically designed to each client and their unique needs. Programming includes an individualized active exercise-based program with hands on treatment by a physiotherapist. A physiotherapist will provide education on the injury and introduce self-management techniques, coping skills, and a guided Reconditioning Program. The program is designed to progress at the client’s rate with the focus on improving overall functional strength, endurance, flexibility, and specific functional job duties.

Reconditioning Program

Sports Injuries

Injures or pain that occurs from participating in exercise or sports can be assessed and treated by a physical therapist. Our professional team has extensive knowledge in tissue healing time, appropriate activity levels, and how to best create a plan so you can return to the activity you love. If you have been prescribed a brace from a medical profesional or the use of taping a physical therapist can aid you.

Sports Injuries

MPI & WCB Injuries

Did you know if you are involved in a motor vehicle accident and you sustain an injury, discomfort, or an increase in pain you can be eligible for physiotherapy treatments? This also applies to accidents that occur in the workplace. Manitoba Public Insurance and the Worker’s Compensation Board of Manitoba provide an assessment by a physiotherapist to evaluate your pain/injury. If you qualify for treatment MPI or WCB will cover the cost of physiotherapy treatment.


Manual Therapy

Manual therapy applies a hands-on technique to treatment. It includes a variety of joint mobilizations to increase movement and decrease pain. Working on muscles through soft tissue mobilization we can increase flexibility and relieve tight muscles. The pressure can relax muscles, move stiff joints, increase circulation, mobilize a nerve, and break up scar tissue.

Manual Therapy

Pre & Post Surgical Rehab

If you are preparing for an upcoming surgery or have already completed surgery a physical therapist can help in rehabilitation. Physical Therapist are extensively trained in range of motion, joint movements, and tissue healing time. Physical Therapists work with your surgeon and other health care providers to optimise your rehabilitation program. Physiotherapy can help decrease pain, increase movement and help in your recovery so you can get back to what you love. At Pine Ridge Physical Therapy, we offer an affordable option to hip and knee classes after having a joint replacement.

Surgical Rehab

Book Your Appointment

You can book an appointment online by clicking the button to the right, you can also book by phone, text, or email.